Hi buddies, When i tried to install a node & npm in my system, i will be facing some problem with the version. I want to install a recent LTS (Long Term Support) Don't Do (If you want to install a specific version): I don't know, how its gonna installed, but its not a recent Node LTS version sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy sudo apt-get install npm Do (Using a NVM- Node Version Manager to install a specific version): Use the following command to install a NVM into your system $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash Reload the system environment using this command $ source ~/.profile $ source ~/.bashrc List all the nodejs version using this command $ nvm ls-remote Install a nodejs version, what ever you want (If you want to install multiple node version you can install using this command) $ nvm install 6.11.1 $ nvm install 8.2.1 List a node version using this command ...